Fresno Unified Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019

The Fresno Unified Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2019 is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement between the Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) and the Fresno Teachers Association (FTA). This agreement determines the salaries, benefits, and working conditions of the educators in the district and ensures that their rights and responsibilities are protected.

One of the most significant aspects of the 2019 agreement is the increase in salaries for FUSD teachers. The agreement outlines a 3% salary increase for teachers, which is an impressive improvement over the previous year`s agreement. This increase in pay helps to attract highly qualified teachers to the district and incentivizes current teachers to remain in their positions.

Another essential aspect of the agreement is the benefits provided to FUSD teachers. The 2019 agreement introduces a new health and wellness program for teachers that provides them with access to health and wellness resources, including stress management, nutrition, and exercise programs. This program is an innovative approach to promoting the well-being and health of teachers, which can have a significant impact on their work performance.

The 2019 agreement also specifies the working conditions for FUSD teachers, including class sizes and student-to-teacher ratios. These guidelines help to ensure that teachers can provide the best possible learning environment for their students. The agreement also includes provisions for teacher evaluations, professional development, and teacher tenure.

Overall, the Fresno Unified Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2019 is an essential document that protects the rights and interests of FUSD teachers. The agreement ensures that teachers receive fair compensation, benefits, and working conditions that promote their well-being and support their ability to provide high-quality education to their students. As a professional, it is crucial to highlight the importance of this agreement and to ensure that the article provides accurate and informative content that is optimized for search engines.


